Important Full Form List with Description

Here we Provide some important FullForm lists. where you can find Some very important and useful acronyms and its full form with descriptions.

AcronymFull Form in EnglishDescription
ATMAutomated Teller MachineA machine that enables banking transactions.
USAUnited States of AmericaA country located in North America.
NASANational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationA U.S. government agency responsible for space exploration and research.
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationA specialized agency of the United Nations promoting education, science, and culture.
CCTVClosed-Circuit TelevisionA system of video surveillance.
HIVHuman Immunodeficiency VirusA virus that attacks the immune system.
CEOChief Executive OfficerThe highest-ranking executive in a company.
RSVPRépondez s’il vous plaît (French)A request for a response to an invitation.
AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeA syndrome caused by HIV leading to immune system failure.
ISBNInternational Standard Book NumberA unique numeric commercial book identifier.
PDFPortable Document FormatA file format used for documents.
NGONon-Governmental OrganizationA non-profit organization independent of government.
GPSGlobal Positioning SystemA satellite-based navigation system.
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationA specialized agency of the United Nations promoting education, science, and culture.
SIMSubscriber Identity ModuleA smart card used in mobile devices.
PINPersonal Identification NumberA numeric password used for authentication.
LCDLiquid Crystal DisplayA flat-panel display technology.
FAQFrequently Asked QuestionsCommonly asked questions and their answers.
USBUniversal Serial BusA standard for connecting peripherals to computers.
CEOChief Executive OfficerThe highest-ranking executive in a company.
UFOUnidentified Flying ObjectAn object observed in the sky that cannot be identified.
HTMLHypertext Markup LanguageThe standard markup language for creating web pages.
CPUCentral Processing UnitThe primary component of a computer that performs calculations.
DVDDigital Versatile DiscA digital optical disc storage format.
SMSShort Message ServiceA text messaging service for mobile phones.
LEDLight Emitting DiodeA semiconductor light source.