Rajyoga in Astrology: Do you know what Raja Yoga is in the birth chart and Astrology? How it is made and what its fruits are? Here we have given you information about the role of Raja Yoga in astrology.
Rajyoga in Astrology
There are many types of yogas in astrology such as Raja Yoga, Dhan Yoga, Nirdhan Yoga, Panchmahapurush Yoga etc. All these yogas are formed on the basis of the special conditions of the planets, zodiac signs and houses. In astrology, on the basis of yoga, what will happen in a person’s life can be told well. As Raja Yoga gives good prestige and position, Dhan Yoga makes you rich and so on. Here below we have told you what is Raja Yoga in astrology?, how is Raj Yoga formed in the birth chart?. What are the types of Raja Yoga? It has given all kinds of information. If you want to know about Raja Yoga, then read this article completely.
What is Rajyoga in Astrolgy and How it Formed?
Raja Yoga is considered to be the most powerful Yogas in astrology. Whenever there is a combination of the lord of triangle house(Trikona House) and lord of Kendra house in the birth chart, then Raja Yoga is formed. In astrology, the 5th and 9th houses are called triangle houses(Trikona House) and the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are called Kendra houses. Whenever there is a combination of the lord of the triangle house(Trikona House) and the lord of the Kendra house in the birth chart, then Raja Yoga is formed.
Raja Yoga can be formed in the birth chart in four ways, the information of which is given below.
- The combination of Kendra Lord and triangle house(Trikona Houses) Lord gives the result of Raja Yoga.
- Raja Yoga is formed in such a situation when the lord of the Kendra and the triangle house(Trikona House) becomes the same planet.
- The lords of Kendra Lord and Trikona house Lord are sitting in each other’s house.
- Raja Yoga is formed when the Kendra Lord and the lord of the triangle are looking at each other or each other’s house.
What are the results of Rajyoga in Astrology?
We know that the result of Raja Yoga is said to be the highest in astrology because it is one of the highest Yogas. We have given above information on how it is made, but whenever it is in the birth chart, it is also important to know what are its results.
Whenever Raja Yoga is formed in the birth chart, then the person attains power, honor, fame and wealth. But not everyone gets this pleasure. The result of Raja Yoga to the native is based on different circumstances. Here we have explained those situations in detail so that it will be easy for you to understand the fruits of Raja Yoga.
The following conditions greatly affect the results of Raja Yoga.
- Planets Strength
- Dasha of Rajyoga Giver Planet
- Position of the planet
- Planet classification
Planets Strength:
In astrology, it is very important to see the strength of that planet to know the results of the planets. In astrology, to check the strength of the planets, things like Shadbal, Saptvargiya force, the position of the planet in Navamsa have to be seen.
If the planet which is creating Rajayoga is in a strong position, then the result of Raja Yoga will be good, but if the planet is not a good sacrifice, then the result of Raja Yoga will be less.
Dasha of Rajyoga Giver Planet
Many people have Raja Yoga in their birth chart, but not everyone gets its results. Many people get the Dasha of Raja Yoga Karak Planet at a time when it is not possible to get its results. As if the Dasha of Raja Yoga of a child is going on, then he does not get its results according to the “Desh, Kaal, Patra”. If the Dasha of the Raja Yoga giving planet comes at the right time, then its results are good.
Position of the planet
The planet is sitting in the birth chart due to some special circumstances. Some planets are exalted and some planets are debilitated. If a planet is exalted, it gives a good result, and If the planet is debilitated, it gives a bad result. It is also necessary to see what is the position of the planet in different Amsas.
Classification of planets:
Classification of planets is done on the basis of birth ascendant, which planet is auspicious, which planet is inauspicious, and which planet is even. The Raja Yoga of an auspicious planet gives good results, while the Dasha of an inauspicious planet destroys even the best Raja Yoga.
Which is Best Rajyoga In Birth Chart?
Raja Yoga is formed by the owners of the house of Kendra and the trikona in the birth chart. RajaYoga can be formed in a total of four ways. Below we have given the order on the basis of the strength of Raja Yoga.
- The combination of Kendra Lord and triangle house(Trikona Houses) Lord gives the result of Raja Yoga.
- Raja Yoga is formed in such a situation when the lord of the Kendra and the triangle house(Trikona House) becomes the same planet.
- The lords of Kendra Lord and Trikona house Lord are sitting in each other’s house.
- Raja Yoga is formed when the Kendra Lord and the lord of the triangle are looking at each other or each other’s house.
Many types of Raja Yogas are also formed on the basis of the planets of the Kendra and the Trikona Lords in the birth chart. Here below we have given you the order on the basis of their strength. In which the first order is less strong and the last given Raja Yoga is the best.
- Conjunction of lord of first and fifth house
- Conjunction of the lord of fifth and fourth house
- Conjunction of the lord of fifth and seventh house
- Conjunction of lord of fifth and tenth house
- Conjunction of ninth and first house
- Conjunction of lord of ninth and fourth house
- Conjunction of lord of ninth and seventh house
- Conjunction of lord of ninth and tenth house
If in one’s birth chart, Raja Yoga is formed by the combination of the lords of the first and fourth houses, and in the birth chart of another, Raja Yoga is formed by the combination of the lords of the ninth and tenth houses. In such a situation, the second person’s Raja Yoga is stronger than the first person’s Raja Yoga.
Example of Rajyoga
Now we understand Raja Yoga through a good example. Here below we have shared with you the birth chart of the Prime Minister of India.

In the birth chart of Narendra Modi, Moon is the lord of the ninth house and Mars is the lord of the first house. The combination of both is in the Ascendant, which makes a good Raja Yoga. Similarly, Guru(Jupiter) who is the lord of the fifth house and Shani is the lord of the fourth house, both are looking at each other and creating a Raja Yoga. We all know how Narendra Modi started from the lowest level in his life and attained the highest position in India.
For more information about Raj Yoga and the Birth Chart of Amitabh Bachchan, click the link below.[Amitabh BachchanBirth Chart]
Here we have provided you with information about Raja Yoga. If you have any questions about the information given here about Raja Yoga, then you can ask on the comment box given below.