Animal Names in Sanskrit | जानवरों के नाम संस्कृत और इंग्लिश मे

Animal Names in Sanskrit. Do you know what “Animals are called in Sanskrit? Through this article, we will share with you the names of animals in Sanskrit and English.

Sanskrit language is a very good language in terms of dictionary, there is more than one word for any creature in Sanskrit language. Here we have shared with you the English and Sanskrit names of various animals like dog, cat, elephant, horse, tiger, bear, cow etc.

संस्कृत भाषा शब्दकोष की दृष्टि से बहुत अच्छी भाषा है, संस्कृत भाषा में किसी भी प्राणी के लिए एक से अधिक शब्द होते हैं। यहां हमने आपके साथ विभिन्न जानवरों जैसे कुत्ता, बिल्ली, हाथी, घोड़ा, बाघ, भालू, गाय आदि के अंग्रेजी और संस्कृत नाम साझा किए हैं।

Animal Names in Sanskrit and English With Hindi and IAST Transliteration

Here below we have given you a table in which you have given the names of animals. Here the names of animals are given in Sanskrit, English, Hindi and IAST transliteration.

English Name of AnimalSanskrit Name of AnimalHindi Name of AnimalIAST Transliteration of Animal Name
Antउपदीका, पिपीलक, वम्रचीटीUpadīkā, Pipīlaka, Vamra
Camelउष्ट्रः, क्रमेलकः उद्धिलावऊंटUṣṭra, Kramelaka Uddhilāva,
Cattleगो, आदर्शःगायGo, Ādarśa,
Crocodileमकरः, मकरीमगरमच्छMakara, Makarī,
Dogश्वानः, कुक्कुरःकुत्ताŚvāna, Kukkura,
Goatअजः, अजाबकरीAjaḥ, Ajā,
Gorillaवनमनुष्यःवन मानुषVanamanuṣyaḥ,
Hippopotamusशुण्डः, करियादःदरियाई घोड़ाŚuṇḍaḥ, Kariyādaḥ,
Horseअश्वः, हयः, घोटकःघोड़ाAśvaḥ, Hayaḥ, Ghoṭakaḥ,
Lizardतृणगोधा, ललन्तिका, वेदारःछिपकलीTṛṇagodhā, Lalandikā, Vedāraḥ,
Mole RatगंधमूषकःछछूंदरGaṇdhamūṣakaḥ,
Monkeyवानरः, कपिः, मर्कटःबन्दरVānaraḥ, Kapiḥ, Markaṭaḥ,
Mouseमूषकः, मूषिकःचूहाMūṣakaḥ, Mūṣikaḥ,
Oxवृषभः, बलीवर्दःबैलVṛṣabhaḥ, Balīvardaḥ,
Polar Bearध्रुव भल्लूकःध्रुवीय भालूDhruva Bhallūkaḥ,
Rabbit, HareशशकःखरगोशŚaśakaḥ,
Sheepमेषः, एड़कःभेड़Meṣaḥ, Eṛkaḥ,
Tortoise, Turtleकच्छपः, कच्छपीकछुआKacchapaḥ, Kacchapī,
Zebraचित्ररासभः, वनगर्दभःज़ेबराCitrarāsabhaḥ, Vana Gardabhaḥ,

Domestic Animal Name in Sanskrit

Here below we have given you the names of pet animals in English and Sanskrit. People often keep the animals given below for various reasons like livelihood, security etc.

Animal Name in EnglishAnimal Name in Sanskrit
Oxवृषभः / बलीवर्दः
Monkeyवानरः / कपि / मर्कट:
Rat / Mouseमूषकः
Dogश्वानः / कुक्कुरः
Donkeyगर्दभः / खर:
Cowधेनुः / गौः
Sheepमेषः / एड़का
Horseअश्वः / हयः / घोटकः
Muleखच्चर:, अश्वत: (पुँ.)

Wild Animal Name in Sanskrit and English

Wild Animal Name in EnglishWild Animal Name in Sanskrit
Crocodileमकर: नक्रः
Deerमृगः, हरिणः
Tigerचित्रकः / तरक्षु / वाघः
Wolf / Coyoteवृकः
Blue Bullगवयः

FAQ on Animal Name in Sanskrit

Here below we have shared with you some FAQs which people often search on the internet or in other ways. We hope that you will also get answers to some of these important questions.

What is the Sanskrit name for Lion?

The Sanskrit name for Lion is सिंहः.

What is the Sanskrit name for Gorilla?

The Sanskrit name for Gorilla is वनमनुष्यः.

What is the Sanskrit name for Rhinoceros?

The Sanskrit name for Rhinoceros is गण्डकः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Lion?
A: The Sanskrit name for Lion is सिंहः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Tiger?
A: The Sanskrit name for Tiger is व्याघ्रः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Elephant?
A: The Sanskrit name for Elephant is गज:.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Deer?
A: The Sanskrit names for Deer are मृगः and हरिणः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Fox?
A: The Sanskrit name for Fox is लोमशः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Gorilla?
A: The Sanskrit name for Gorilla is वनमनुष्यः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Jackal?
A: The Sanskrit name for Jackal is श्रृगालः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Leopard?
A: The Sanskrit name for Leopard is तरक्षुः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Rabbit?
A: The Sanskrit name for Rabbit is शशक.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Rhinoceros?
A: The Sanskrit name for Rhinoceros is गण्डकः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Snake?
A: The Sanskrit name for Snake is सर्प.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Stag?
A: The Sanskrit name for Stag is मयुः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Cat?
A: The Sanskrit name for Cat is बिड़ाल.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Calf?
A: The Sanskrit name for Calf is वत्सः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Ox?
A: The Sanskrit name for Ox is वृषभः or बलीवर्दः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Goat?
A: The Sanskrit name for Goat is अजा.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Monkey?
A: The Sanskrit names for Monkey are वानरः, कपि, or मर्कट:.

What is the Sanskrit name for Buffalo?

The Sanskrit name for Buffalo is महिषः.

What is the Sanskrit name for Yak?

The Sanskrit name for Yak is याक.

What is the Sanskrit name for Cat?

The Sanskrit name for Cat is बिड़ाल.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Buffalo?
A: The Sanskrit name for Buffalo is महिषः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Pig?
A: The Sanskrit name for Pig is वराहः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Bull?
A: The Sanskrit name for Bull is वृषभः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Rat / Mouse?
A: The Sanskrit name for Rat / Mouse is मूषकः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Bitch?
A: The Sanskrit name for Bitch is सरमा.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Dog?
A: The Sanskrit name for Dog is श्वानः or कुक्कुरः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Donkey?
A: The Sanskrit name for Donkey is गर्दभः or खर:.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Cow?
A: The Sanskrit name for Cow is धेनुः or गौः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Squirrel?
A: The Sanskrit name for Squirrel is चिक्रोड़ः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Sheep?
A: The Sanskrit name for Sheep is मेषः or एड़का.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Horse?
A: The Sanskrit name for Horse is अश्वः, हयः, or घोटकः.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Yak?
A: The Sanskrit name for Yak is याक.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Rabbit?
A: The Sanskrit name for Rabbit is शशक.

Q: What is the Sanskrit name for Mule?
A: The Sanskrit name for Mule is खच्चर: or अश्वत: (पुँ.).

We hope that you liked the information given on Sanskrit names of animals. If you have any question or suggestion regarding this information then please share it with us in the comment box given below. Thank you

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