2500+ Common English Words With Hindi Meaning

Here we Provide 2500+ Common Words with Hindi Meanings. Get English words Hindi Meaning and its Description for understanding.

English Words With Hindi Meaning

Sometimes we need the Hindi meaning of Some English word to understand it. Here we share 2500+ Common English words that are used in our daily lives. these words are very helpful and widely used in our daily routine.


English Word From A With Hindi Meaning

English Word From AHindi MeaningDescription
Ableसक्षमCapable of doing something.
Absentअनुपस्थितNot present in a place or situation.
Acceptस्वीकार करनाTo receive or take something willingly.
AccessपहुंचThe means or opportunity to approach or enter a place.
Accidentदुर्घटनाAn unexpected and undesirable event.
AccountखाताA record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts.
AccurateसटीकCorrect in all details; exact.
Achieveप्राप्त करनाSuccessfully reach a desired objective.
Acidअम्लA substance with a pH less than 7.
AcrossपारFrom one side to the other of a place or area.
Actionकार्रवाईThe fact or process of doing something to achieve an aim.
Activeसक्रियEngaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.
ActivityगतिविधिA situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done.
ActorअभिनेताA person who performs in plays, movies, or television shows.
Actualवास्तविकExisting in fact; real.
Addजोड़नाTo put something together with something else to increase the number, size, or importance.
AddressपताThe particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated.
Adminव्यवस्थापकA person responsible for the running of a business or organization.
Admireप्रशंसा करनाTo regard with respect or warm approval.
Admitस्वीकार करनाTo confess to be true or to be the case.
Adultवयस्कA person who is fully grown or developed.
Advanceअग्रिमTo move forward in a purposeful way.
AdviceसलाहGuidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action.
AffairमामलाAn event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to.
Affectप्रभावित करनाTo have an effect on; make a difference to.
Affordवहन करनाHave enough money to pay for.
Afraidडरा हुआFeeling fear or anxiety.
Afterबाद मेंIn the time following an event or another period.
Againफिर सेAnother time; once more.
Againstके खिलाफIn opposition to.
Ageउम्रThe length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
AgencyएजेंसीA business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.
AgentएजेंटA person who acts on behalf of another person or group.
Agreeसहमत होनाTo have the same opinion about something.
AheadआगेFurther forward in space; in the line of one’s forward motion.
AidसहायताHelp, typically of a practical nature.
Aimउद्देश्यA purpose or intention; a desired outcome.
AirहवाThe invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
Alarmअलार्मA warning of danger.
Alertसतर्कQuick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances.
AlienविदेशीBelonging to a foreign country or nation.
AliveजीवितLiving, not dead.
AllसबUsed to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.
Allowअनुमति देनाTo give permission for something to happen.
AlmostलगभगNot quite; very nearly.
AloneअकेलाHaving no one else present.
AlongसाथMoving in a constant direction on (a path or any more or less horizontal surface).
Alreadyपहले से हीBefore or by now or the time in question.
AlsoभीIn addition; too.
AlterबदलनाChange or cause to change in character or composition.
AlwaysहमेशाAt all times; on all occasions.
AmहूँFirst person singular present of “be.”
Amazingअद्भुतCausing great surprise or wonder.
Amongके बीचSituated more or less centrally in relation to (several other things).
AmountराशिA quantity of something.
Analyzeविश्लेषण करनाTo examine methodically and in detail.
Ancientप्राचीनBelonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.
AngleकोणThe space between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
AnimalजानवरA living organism that feeds on organic matter.
Announceघोषणा करनाTo make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.
Annualवार्षिकOccurring once every year.
Anotherएक औरUsed to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type.
Answerउत्तरA response or reply to a question.
AnxietyचिंताA feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.
AnyकोईUsed to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many.
ApartअलगTo be separated by a distance.
Apartmentअपार्टमेंटA set of rooms forming an individual residence.
Apologizeमाफी मांगनाTo express regret for something that one has done wrong.
Appearप्रकट होनाCome into sight; become visible or noticeable.
Applyलागू करनाMake a formal application or request.
Appointनियुक्त करनाAssign a job or role to someone.
AppreciateसराहनाRecognize the full worth of.
Approachदृष्टिकोणCome near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance.
Appropriateउपयुक्तSuitable or proper in the circumstances.
Approvalस्वीकृतिThe action of approving something.
Areaक्षेत्रA region or part of a town, a country, or the world.
Argueबहस करनाExchange or express diverging or opposite views.
Ariseउत्पन्न होनाTo emerge or become apparent.
ArmहाथEach of the two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand.
ArmyसेनाAn organized military force equipped for fighting on land.
AroundआसपासLocated or situated on every side.
Arrangeव्यवस्था करनाPut (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order.
ArriveआनाReach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.
ArtकलाThe expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.
ArticleलेखA piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.
ArtistकलाकारA person who creates art.
AsजैसेUsed to indicate that something happens during the time when something else is taking place.
AskपूछनाSay something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
AspectपहलूA particular part or feature of something.
Assessआकलन करनाEvaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
Assistसहायता करनाHelp (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.
Assumeमान लेनाSuppose to be the case, without proof.
Attractआकर्षित करनाCause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest.
AuthorलेखकA writer of a book, article, or report.
Availableउपलब्धAble to be used or obtained.
AverageऔसतA number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data.
AvoidबचनाKeep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).
AwakeजागStop sleeping; wake from sleep.
Awardपुरस्कारGive or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize.
AwareजागरूकHaving knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

English Word From B With Hindi Meaning

English Word From BHindi MeaningDescription
Babyबच्चाA very young child.
BackपीछेThe rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips.
BadबुराNot good in any manner or degree.
BagथैलाA flexible container with an opening at the top.
BalanceसंतुलनAn even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.
BallगेंदA round object used in games and sports.
BankबैंकA financial institution where people deposit and withdraw money.
BarबारA place where alcoholic drinks are served.
BaseआधारThe bottom support of anything; that on which a thing stands or rests.
BasicबुनियादीForming an essential foundation; fundamental.
BasketटोकरीA container used to carry or hold things, typically made of interwoven cane or wire.
Bathस्नानThe act of washing the body in a large container of water.
BatteryबैटरीA device that stores energy and can provide power.
Battleयुद्धA sustained fight between large organized armed forces.
Beachसमुद्र तटA pebbly or sandy shore, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks.
BearभालूA large, heavy mammal with thick fur and a short tail.
BeatहरानाTo defeat someone in a game or competition.
BeautifulसुंदरPleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
Becauseक्योंकिFor the reason that; since.
BecomeबननाBegin to be.
Bedबिस्तरA piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress.
Beeमधुमक्खीAn insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary as well as social kinds.
Beginशुरू करनाPerform or undergo the first part of an action or activity.
Behaviorव्यवहारThe way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
BehindपीछेAt or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it.
Believeविश्वास करनाAccept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.
BellघंटीA hollow object, typically of metal, that sounds a clear musical note when struck.
Belongसंबंधित होनाBe the property of.
BelowनीचेAt a lower level or layer.
Beltबेल्टA strip of leather or other material worn around the waist or across the chest.
BenchबेंचA long seat for several people, typically made of wood or stone.
Bendमोड़नाShape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle.
Bestसबसे अच्छाOf the most excellent or desirable type or quality.
BetterबेहतरOf a more excellent or effective type or quality.
Betweenके बीचAt, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions).
BeyondपरेAt or to the further side of.
Bigबड़ाOf considerable size, extent, or intensity.
BikeबाइकA bicycle or motorcycle.
BillबिलAn amount of money owed for goods supplied or services rendered.
Birdपक्षीA warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers.
Birthजन्मThe emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother.
Bitथोड़ाA small piece, part, or quantity of something.
Biteकाटना(Of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into something.
BlackकालाOf the very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light.
Blameदोष देनाAssign responsibility for a fault or wrong.
BlankखालीNot filled in; empty.
BlanketकंबलA large piece of woolen or similar material used as a bed covering or other covering for warmth.
BlindअंधाUnable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition.
BlockखंडA large solid piece of hard material, especially rock, stone, or wood, typically with flat surfaces on each side.
BloodखूनThe red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals.
BlowझटकाA sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon.
BlueनीलाOf the color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.
Boardबोर्डA long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes.
BoatनावA small vessel for traveling over water, propelled by oars, sails, or an engine.
BodyशरीरThe physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs.
BoilउबालनाTo heat a liquid until it begins to turn into gas.
Boneहड्डीAny of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates.
Bookपुस्तकA set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened together along one side and encased between protective covers.
BorderसीमाA line separating two political or geographical areas, especially countries.
Bornपैदा हुआBrought into life by the process of birth.
Borrowउधार लेनाTake and use (something belonging to someone else) with the intention of returning it.
BothदोनोंUsed to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together.
BottleबोतलA container, typically made of glass or plastic, with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks or other liquids.
BottomतलThe lowest part or point of something.
Boundबाध्यRestricted or confined to a specified place.
BowझुकनाBend the upper part of the body forward as a gesture of respect or greeting.
Boxडिब्बाA container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid.
Boyलड़काA male child or youth.
Brainमस्तिष्कAn organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
BranchशाखाA part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or from a bough.
BraveबहादुरReady to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
BreadरोटीFood made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together and baked.
Breakतोड़नाSeparate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain.
BreathसांसThe air taken into or expelled from the lungs.
BridgeपुलA structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, road, railroad, or other obstacle.
Brightउज्ज्वलGiving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.
BringलानाTake or go with (someone or something) to a place.
Broadव्यापकHaving an ample distance from side to side; wide.
BrotherभाईA man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents.
BrownभूराOf a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil.
Brushब्रशAn implement with a handle, consisting of bristles, hair, or wire set into a block, used for cleaning, smoothing, or painting.
Buildनिर्माण करनाConstruct (something) by putting parts or material together.
BulletगोलीA projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other small firearm, typically cylindrical and pointed, and sometimes containing an explosive.
BundleबंडलA collection of things, or a quantity of material, tied or wrapped up together.
Burnजलाना(Of a fire) flame or glow while consuming a material such as coal or wood.
BurstफटनाBreak open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact or internal pressure.
Businessव्यवसायA person’s regular occupation, profession, or trade.
Busyव्यस्तHaving a great deal to do.
ButलेकिनUsed to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
Butterमक्खनA pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream and used as a spread or in cooking.
ButtonबटनA small disc or knob sewn onto a garment, either to fasten it by being pushed through a slit made for the purpose or for decoration.
BuyखरीदनाObtain in exchange for payment.
Byद्वाराIdentifying the agent performing an action.
BypassबाईपासA road passing around a town or its center to provide an alternative route for through traffic.
ByteबाइटA group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.
BuzzभनभनाहटA low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by or similar to that made by an insect.
BizarreअजीबVery strange or unusual.
Blendमिश्रण करनाMix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together as a mass.
Bluntकुंद(Of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.
Blessआशीर्वाद देनाTo confer or invoke divine favor upon; ask God to look favorably on.

English Word From C With Hindi Meaning

English Word From CHindi MeaningDescription
CallबुलानाTo shout or speak loudly.
CalmशांतFree from disturbance; tranquil.
CameraकैमराA device for capturing images.
CampशिविरA place with temporary accommodations.
Canकर सकताTo be able to.
Cancelरद्द करनाTo decide that an event will not take place.
Candleमोमबत्तीA stick of wax with a wick for burning.
CandyमिठाईSweet food made with sugar or syrup.
CapटोपीA soft, flat hat.
CapitalराजधानीThe city where a government is based.
CarकारA road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people.
Cardकार्डA piece of thick, stiff paper or thin pasteboard.
CareदेखभालThe provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
CareerपेशाAn occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life.
CarpetकालीनA floor or stair covering made from thick woven fabric.
Carryले जानाSupport and move (someone or something) from one place to another.
CaseमामलाAn instance of a particular situation.
CashनकदMoney in coins or notes.
Catबिल्लीA small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
Catchपकड़नाTo seize or capture, especially after pursuit.
CauseकारणA person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.
CeilingछतThe upper interior surface of a room.
Celebrateजश्न मनानाAcknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
CellकोशिकाThe smallest structural and functional unit of an organism.
Centerकेंद्रThe point that is equally distant from every point on the circumference of a circle or sphere.
CenturyसदीA period of one hundred years.
Certainनिश्चितKnown for sure; established beyond doubt.
Chairकुर्सीA separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.
ChanceमौकाA possibility of something happening.
ChangeबदलनाTo make or become different.
Chapterअध्यायA main division of a book, typically with a number or title.
Characterचरित्रThe mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
Chargeशुल्कDemand (an amount) as a price from someone for a service rendered or goods supplied.
CheckजाँचExamine (something) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition.
CheeseपनीरA food made from the pressed curds of milk.
ChickenचिकनA domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat.
Childबच्चाA young human being below the age of puberty.
ChoiceपसंदAn act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
ChooseचुननाPick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.
Circleवृत्तA round plane figure whose boundary consists of points equidistant from a fixed point.
CityशहरA large town.
ClaimदावाState or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
Classवर्गA set or category of things having some property or attribute in common.
Cleanसाफ़Free from dirt, marks, or stains.
Clearस्पष्टEasy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
ClimateजलवायुThe weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
Climbचढ़नाGo or come up a (slope, incline, or staircase), especially by using the feet and sometimes the hands.
Closeबंद करनाMove so as to cover an opening.
Clothकपड़ाWoven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber.
CloudबादलA visible mass of condensed watery vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the general level of the ground.
CoastतटThe part of the land near the sea; the edge of the land.
CoffeeकॉफीA drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub.
ColdठंडOf or at a low or relatively low temperature.
Collectइकट्ठा करनाBring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread).
CollegeकॉलेजAn educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training.
ColorरंगThe property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.
Combineसंयोजन करनाUnite; merge.
ComeआनाMove or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.
ComfortआरामA state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
CommandआदेशGive an authoritative order.
Commentटिप्पणीA verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction.
Commonसामान्यOccurring, found, or done often; prevalent.
CommunityसमुदायA group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
CompanyकंपनीA commercial business.
Compareतुलना करनाEstimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
CompleteपूराHaving all the necessary or appropriate parts.
ComplexजटिलConsisting of many different and connected parts.
Conditionस्थितिThe state of something with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order.
Connectजोड़नाBring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
Considerविचार करनाThink carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
Consistसे मिलकरBe composed or made up of.
Constantस्थिरOccurring continuously over a period of time.
Constructनिर्माण करनाBuild or erect (something, typically a building, road, or machine).
Contactसंपर्कThe state or condition of physical touching.
ContainशामिलHave or hold (someone or something) within.
Continueजारी रखनाPersist in an activity or process.
Controlनियंत्रणThe power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events.
CookपकानाPrepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by combining and heating the ingredients in various ways.
CoolठंडाOf or at a fairly low temperature.
Copyप्रतिलिपिA thing made to be similar or identical to another.
CornerकोनाThe place where two lines or surfaces meet to form an angle.
CorrectसहीFree from error; in accordance with fact or truth.
CostलागतAn amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
Couldसकता थाUsed to indicate possibility.
CountगिनतीDetermine the total number of (a collection of items).
CountryदेशA nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
Coupleजोड़ाTwo individuals of the same sort considered together.
Courseपाठ्यक्रमThe route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river.
CoverकवरPut something such as a cloth or lid on top of or in front of (something) in order to protect or conceal it.
CreateबनानाBring (something) into existence.
Creditश्रेयThe ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
CrimeअपराधAn action or omission which constitutes an offense and is punishable by law.
Cultureसंस्कृतिThe arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
Currentवर्तमानBelonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
Curveवक्रA smoothly flowing, continuous line or surface that differs from a straight line in any way.
CustomरिवाजA traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.
CutकाटनाMake an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object.
Cycleचक्रA series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.
CylinderबेलनA solid geometrical figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section.
CitizenनागरिकA legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.

English Word From D With Hindi Meaning

NumberEnglish Word From DHindi MeaningDescription
1DailyदैनिकHappening every day.
2DamageनुकसानPhysical harm that impairs the value or usefulness of something.
3Danceनृत्यMove rhythmically to music.
4DangerखतराThe possibility of suffering harm or injury.
5DarkअंधेराWith little or no light.
6DataडेटाFacts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.
7DateतारीखThe day of the month or year as specified by a number.
8DaughterबेटीA female offspring.
9DayदिनA 24-hour period.
10DeadमृतNo longer alive.
11DealसौदाAn agreement or arrangement.
12Dearप्रियRegarded with deep affection.
13Deathमृत्युThe end of the life of a person or organism.
14Debateवाद-विवादA formal discussion on a particular topic.
15DebtऋणSomething, typically money, that is owed.
16DecadeदशकA period of ten years.
17Decideनिर्णय लेनाCome to a resolution in the mind.
18Decisionनिर्णयA conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
19Declareघोषणा करनाSay something in a solemn and emphatic manner.
20DecreaseघटानाMake or become smaller or fewer.
21DeepगहराExtending far down from the top or surface.
22DefeatहारWin a victory over (someone) in a battle or contest.
23Defendबचाव करनाResist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger.
24Defineपरिभाषित करनाState or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of.
25Degreeडिग्रीThe amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present.
26DelayदेरीMake (someone or something) late or slow.
27Deliverवितरित करनाBring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or ordered goods) to the proper recipient.
28DemandमांगAn insistent and peremptory request, made as of right.
29Denyअस्वीकार करनाRefuse to admit the truth or existence of.
30Departप्रस्थान करनाLeave, typically in order to start a journey.
31Dependनिर्भर करनाBe controlled or determined by.
32DepositजमाA sum of money placed or kept in a bank account.
33Describeवर्णन करनाGive an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.
34Desertरेगिस्तानA barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs.
35Designडिज़ाइनA plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made.
36Desireइच्छाA strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
37Deskडेस्कA piece of furniture with a flat table-style work surface used in a school, office, home, or the like for academic, professional, or domestic activities.
38Destroyनष्ट करनाEnd the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.
39DetailविवरणAn individual feature, fact, or item.
40Developविकास करनाGrow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
41DeviceउपकरणA thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
42Diagnoseनिदान करनाIdentify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms.
43DialogसंवादA conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.
44DiamondहीराA precious stone consisting of a clear and colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance.
45DiaryडायरीA book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences.
46Dictateआदेश देनाLay down authoritatively; prescribe.
47DieमरनाStop living.
48DietआहारThe kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
49Differभिन्न होनाBe unlike or dissimilar.
50DifficultकठिनNeeding much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.
51DigखोदनाBreak up and move earth with a tool or machine.
52Dinnerरात का खानाThe main meal of the day, taken either around midday or in the evening.
53DirectसीधेExtending or moving from one place to another by the shortest way without changing direction or stopping.
54DirtगंदगीA substance, such as mud or dust, that soils someone or something.
55Disableअक्षम करना(Of a disease, injury, or accident) limit (someone) in their movements, senses, or activities.
56DisasterआपदाA sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life.
57DisciplineअनुशासनThe practice of training
58Discoverखोज करनाFind (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.
59Discreetविवेकपूर्णCareful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
60Discussचर्चा करनाTalk about (something) with another person or group of people.
61DiseaseबीमारीA disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant.
62Dishव्यंजनA particular variety of food prepared in a particular way.
63Dismissखारिज करनाOrder or allow to leave; send away.
64Displayप्रदर्शनMake a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
65DistanceदूरीThe length of the space between two points.
66Distinguishभेद करनाRecognize or treat (someone or something) as different.
67Distributeवितरित करनाGive shares of (something); deal out.
68DistrictजिलाAn area of a country or city, especially one regarded as a distinct unit because of a particular characteristic.
69Divideविभाजित करनाSeparate or be separated into parts.
70Doctorडॉक्टरA qualified practitioner of medicine.
71Documentदस्तावेजA piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence or that serves as an official record.
72Dogकुत्ताA domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.
73DollarडॉलरThe basic monetary unit of the US, Canada, Australia, and certain countries in the Pacific, Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America.
74DoorदरवाजाA hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard.
75DoubleदोहरीConsisting of two equal, identical, or similar parts or things.
76DoubtसंदेहA feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
77DownनीचेToward or in a lower place or position.
78DrawखींचनाProduce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc.
79DreamसपनाA series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.
80DressपोशाकA one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs.
81DrinkपीनाTake (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow.
82Driveड्राइव करनाOperate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle.
83DropगिरानाLet or make (something) fall vertically.
84DryसूखाFree from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist.
85DustधूलFine, dry particles of matter.
86Dutyकर्तव्यA moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
87DynamicगतिशीलCharacterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
88Dwellनिवास करनाLive in or at a specified place.
89DyeरंगनाAdd a color to or change the color of (something) by soaking it in a solution impregnated with a dye.
90Dwindleघट जानाDiminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.
91DaringसाहसीAdventurous or audaciously bold.
92DawnभोरThe first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
93DelayदेरीMake (someone or something) late or slow.
94Deserveलायक होनाDo something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).
95Dictateआदेश देनाLay down authoritatively; prescribe.
96DigestionपाचनThe process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action in the alimentary canal into substances that can be used by the body.
97Diligentपरिश्रमीHaving or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
98DirectसीधेExtending or moving from one place to another by the shortest way without changing direction or stopping.
99Dominantप्रमुखMost important, powerful, or influential.
100DuplicateनकलExactly like something else, especially through having been copied.

English Word From E With Hindi Meaning

English Word From EHindi MeaningDescription
Eachप्रत्येकEvery one of two or more people or things.
Earlyप्रारंभिकHappening or done before the usual or expected time.
EarnकमानाTo receive money as payment for work that you do.
Earthपृथ्वीThe planet on which we live.
EaseसहजThe state of being comfortable, free from worry or pain.
Eastपूर्वThe direction where the sun rises.
EasyआसानAchieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
EatखानाTo put food into your mouth and swallow it.
EdgeकिनाराThe outside limit of an object, area, or surface.
Educateशिक्षित करनाTo give intellectual, moral, and social instruction.
Effectप्रभावA change that is a result or consequence of an action.
Effortप्रयासA vigorous or determined attempt.
EitherयाUsed before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives.
Elderबुजुर्गA person who is older.
ElectचुननाTo choose someone to hold public office or some other position.
Elementतत्वA part or aspect of something abstract.
Elseअन्यIn addition; besides.
Embraceगले लगानाHold (someone) closely in one’s arms.
EmergencyआपातकालA serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation.
Emphasizeजोर देनाGive special importance or value to (something).
Employरोजगार देनाGive work to (someone) and pay them for it.
Enableसक्षम बनानाGive (someone) the authority or means to do something.
EncloseघेरनाSurround or close off on all sides.
Encounterसामना करनाUnexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult).
Encourageप्रोत्साहित करनाGive support, confidence, or hope to (someone).
EndअंतThe final part of something.
Enemyदुश्मनA person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone.
Energyऊर्जाThe strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
Engageसंलग्न करनाParticipate or become involved in.
Enjoyआनंद लेनाTake delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
Enoughपर्याप्तAs much or as many as required.
Ensureसुनिश्चित करनाMake certain that (something) will occur or be the case.
Enterप्रवेश करनाTo come or go into (a place).
Entireसंपूर्णWith no part left out; whole.
Environmentपर्यावरणThe surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
EqualबराबरBeing the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.
Equipसुसज्जित करनाSupply with the necessary items for a particular purpose.
Errorत्रुटिA mistake.
Escapeबच निकलनाBreak free from confinement or control.
Especiallyविशेष रूप सेUsed to single out one person, thing, or situation over all others.
EssayनिबंधA short piece of writing on a particular subject.
Essentialआवश्यकAbsolutely necessary; extremely important.
Establishस्थापित करनाSet up on a firm or permanent basis.
Estateसंपत्तिAn extensive area of land in the country, usually with a large house.
EstimateअनुमानRoughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of.
EvenभीUsed to emphasize something surprising or extreme.
EveningशामThe period of time at the end of the day.
EventघटनाA thing that happens, especially one of importance.
EverकभीAt any time.
EveryहरUsed to refer to all the individual members of a set without exception.
EvidenceसबूतThe available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
ExactसटीकNot approximated in any way; precise.
ExampleउदाहरणA thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule.
Excellentउत्कृष्टExtremely good; outstanding.
Exceptछोड़करNot including; other than.
ExchangeविनिमयAn act of giving one thing and receiving another.
Exciteउत्साहित करनाCause (someone) to feel very enthusiastic and eager.
Excludeबाहर करनाDeny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.
ExcuseबहानाA reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.
Executeनिष्पादित करनाCarry out or put into effect (a plan, order, or course of action).
Exerciseव्यायामActivity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
Exhibitप्रदर्शित करनाPublicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum.
Existअस्तित्व में होनाHave objective reality or being.
Expandविस्तारित करनाBecome or make larger or more extensive.
Expectउम्मीद करनाRegard (something) as likely to happen.
Expenseखर्चThe cost incurred in or required for something.
ExperienceअनुभवPractical contact with and observation of facts or events.
Experimentप्रयोगA scientific procedure to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
Expertविशेषज्ञA person who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area.
ExplainसमझानाMake (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail.
Exploreअन्वेषण करनाTravel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
Expressव्यक्त करनाConvey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct.
Extendविस्तारित करनाCause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.
Extraअतिरिक्तAdded to an existing or usual amount or number.
ExtremeचरमReaching a high or the highest degree; very great.
EyeआंखEach of a pair of globular organs in the head through which people and vertebrate animals see.
EarnestईमानदारResulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.
Echoप्रतिध्वनिA sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener.
EfficientकुशलAchieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
EffortlessआसानRequiring no physical or mental exertion.
Elasticलोचदार(Of an object or material) able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or compressed.
EleganceसुंदरताThe quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
Eligibleपात्रHaving the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions.
Eliminateसमाप्त करनाCompletely remove or get rid of (something).
Elsewhereकहीं औरIn or to another place.
Emphasizeजोर देनाGive special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing.
EmpathyसहानुभूतिThe ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
EmptyखालीContaining nothing; not filled or occupied.
Enactअधिनियमित करनाMake (a bill or other proposal) law.
Endureसहन करनाSuffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
Enforceलागू करनाCompel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
Engageसंलग्न करनाParticipate or become involved in.
Enhanceबढ़ानाIntensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
Enlistभर्ती करनाEnroll or be enrolled in the armed services.
Enrichसमृद्ध करनाImprove or enhance the quality or value of.
Enrollनामांकन करनाOfficially register as a member of an institution or a student on a course.
Ensureसुनिश्चित करनाMake certain that (something) shall occur or be the case.
Entailशामिल होनाInvolve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.
Entertainमनोरंजन करनाProvide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.
Enthusiasmउत्साहIntense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

English Word From F With Hindi Meaning

English Word From FHindi MeaningDescription
FaceचेहराThe front part of a person’s head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal.
Factतथ्यA thing that is known or proved to be true.
Failअसफल होनाBe unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal.
Fairन्यायिकTreating people equally without favoritism or discrimination.
Faithविश्वासComplete trust or confidence in someone or something.
FallगिरनाMove downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.
FalseगलतNot according with truth or fact; incorrect.
FamilyपरिवारA group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.
Famousप्रसिद्धKnown about by many people.
FarदूरAt, to, or by a considerable distance.
FarmखेतAn area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.
FastतेजMoving or capable of moving at high speed.
FatherपिताA man in relation to his child or children.
FearडरAn unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Feelमहसूस करनाPerceive or be aware of (a sensation or emotion).
FemaleमहिलाOf or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.
FewकुछAn indefinite small number.
Fieldक्षेत्रAn area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
Fightलड़ाईTake part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.
Figureआंकड़ाA number, especially one that forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company.
FillभरनाCause (a space or container) to become full or almost full.
FinalअंतिमComing at the end of a series.
FindखोजDiscover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
FineठीकOf very high quality; very good of its kind.
Finishसमाप्तBring (a task or activity) to an end; complete.
FireआगCombustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
FirstपहलाComing before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.
FishमछलीA limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins living wholly in water.
FitफिटOf a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose.
Fixठीक करनाFasten (something) securely in a particular place or position.
FlagझंडाA piece of cloth or similar material, typically oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as the symbol or emblem of a country or institution or as a decoration during public festivities.
Flatफ्लैटHaving a level surface; without raised areas or indentations.
Flightउड़ानThe action of flying; the process of flying through the air.
FloatतैरनाRest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking.
Floorमंज़िलThe lower surface of a room, on which one may walk.
Flowप्रवाहMove along or out steadily and continuously in a current or stream.
FlowerफूलThe seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals).
Flyउड़ान(of a bird, bat, or insect) move through the air using wings.
Focusध्यानThe center of interest or activity.
Foldविकर्णBend (something flexible and relatively flat) over on itself so that one part of it covers another.
Followअनुसरण करनाGo or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.
Foodखाद्यAny nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Foolमूर्खA person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.
FootपैरThe lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.

English Word From G With Hindi Meaning

English WordHindi MeaningDescription
GameखेलActivity engaged in for amusement or competition.
GardenबगीचाArea of land used for growing flowers, shrubs, or vegetables.
GasगैसAir-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space.
Gateद्वारA hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge.
Gatherइकट्ठा करनाCollect things from different places and bring them together.
Generateउत्पन्न करनाProduce or create something.
GentleकोमलMild in temperament or behavior.
GestureइशाराA movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.
GiantविशालOf unusually great size or force.
GiftउपहारA thing given willingly to someone without payment.
Girlलड़कीFemale child or young woman.
GiveदेनाTransfer the possession of something to someone else.
GlassगिलासHard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda, lime, and sometimes other ingredients.
Globalवैश्विकRelating to or embracing the whole of something, or of a group of things.
GloryशानHigh renown or honor won by notable achievements.
Goalलक्ष्यThe object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
GodभगवानSupreme being worshipped in various religions.
GoldसोनाPrecious metal with a bright yellow color.
Goodअच्छाPositive or satisfactory in nature.
GovernmentसरकारSystem or group governing a community or nation.
Graceअनुग्रहSmoothness and elegance of movement.
GrandमहानMagnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style.
GrassघासA low-growing plant that has narrow green leaves.
GreatमहानRemarkable or outstanding in quality.
GreenहराColor between blue and yellow in the spectrum.
GroupसमूहCollection of individuals gathered together.
Growबढ़नाIncrease or develop in size or quantity.
GuaranteeगारंटीA formal assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled.
GuestअतिथिA person who is invited to visit the home of or take part in a function organized by another.
Guideमार्गदर्शकA person who advises or shows the way to others.
GunबंदूकA weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force.
GuruगुरुA spiritual teacher, especially one who imparts initiation.
GuyआदमीInformal term for a man or boy.
GymजिमA place where people go to exercise or work out.
Generateउत्पन्न करनाProduce or create something.
Gentlemanसज्जनA chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man.
Generationपीढ़ीAll of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively.
Gorgeousआकर्षकBeautiful or very attractive.
Gloriousप्रशंसनीयHaving, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration.
GratefulआभारीFeeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received.
Gradualधीरे-धीरेTaking place or progressing slowly or by degrees.
GratefulआभारीFeeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received.
Gravitateआकर्षित होनाMove toward or be attracted to a place, person, or thing.
GreatlyबहुतTo a great extent or degree.
Gracefulसुन्दरCharacterized by elegance or beauty of form, manner, movement, or speech.
GroundजमीनSolid surface of the earth.
GrindपीसनाReduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it.
Guardगार्डA person who keeps watch, especially a soldier or other person formally assigned to protect a person or to control access to a place.
Guardगार्डA person who keeps watch, especially a soldier or other person formally assigned to protect a person or to control access to a place.
Guidanceमार्गदर्शनAdvice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority.

English Word From H With Hindi Meaning

English WordHindi MeaningDescription
HabitआदतA settled or regular tendency or practice.
HairबालAny of the fine thread-like strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals.
HalfआधाEither of two equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided.
HallहॉलThe room or space just inside the front entrance of a house or flat.
HandहाथThe end part of a person’s arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb.
HandleसंभालनाFeel or manipulate with the hands.
Handsomeसुंदर(of a man) good-looking.
HangलटकानाSuspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free.
HappenहोनाTake place; occur.
Happinessख़ुशीThe state of being happy.
HappyखुशFeeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
HardकठिनSolid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced.
Hardlyमुश्किल सेScarcely (used to qualify a statement by saying that it is true to an insignificant degree).
HatटोपीA shaped covering for the head worn for warmth, as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform.
HateनफरतIntense or passionate dislike.
Haveपास होनाPossess, own, or hold.
HeवहUsed to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
HeadसिरThe upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of an animal’s body, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs.
Healthस्वास्थ्यThe state of being free from illness or injury.
Healthyस्वस्थIn a good physical or mental condition; in good health.
HearसुननाPerceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something).
HeartदिलA hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation.
Heatगर्मीThe quality of being hot; high temperature.
Heavenस्वर्गA place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.
HeavyभारीOf great weight; difficult to lift or move.
HeightऊँचाईThe measurement from base to top or (of a standing person) from head to foot.
Helloनमस्तेUsed as a greeting or to begin a telephone conversation.
HelpमददMake it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one’s services or resources.
HelpfulसहायकGiving or ready to give help.
Henमुर्गीA female bird, especially of a domestic fowl.
HereयहाँIn, at, or to this place or position.
HeroनायकA person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
HesitateहिचकिचानाPause in indecision before saying or doing something.
HideछिपानाPut or keep out of sight.
HighऊँचाOf great vertical extent.
Hillपहाड़ीA naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain.
HimउसेUsed as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
Hireकिराये पर लेनाObtain the temporary use of (something) for an agreed payment.
HisउसकाBelonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
HistoryइतिहासThe study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
HitमारनाBring one’s hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully.
HobbyशौकAn activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.
Holdपकड़नाGrasp, carry, or support with one’s hands.
HoleछेदA hollow place in a solid body or surface.
Holidayछुट्टीA day of festivity or recreation when no work is done.
HomeघरThe place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
HonestईमानदारFree of deceit; truthful and sincere.
HoneyशहदA sweet, sticky yellowish-brown fluid made by bees and other insects from nectar collected from flowers.
HopeआशाA feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Horseघोड़ाA large plant-eating domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail, used for riding, racing, and to carry and pull loads.
Hospitalअस्पतालAn institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.
Hostमेज़बानA person who receives or entertains other people as guests.
HotगरमHaving a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
HotelहोटलAn establishment providing accommodation, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists.
HourघंटाA period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes.
HouseघरA building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.
HowकैसेIn what way or manner; by what means.
HugeविशालExtremely large; enormous.
HumanमानवOf, relating to, or characteristic of people or human beings.
Humbleविनम्रHaving or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.
Humorहास्यThe quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
HundredसौThe number equivalent to the product of ten and ten; 100.
HungerभूखA feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.
HungryभूखाFeeling or displaying the need for food.
Huntशिकार करनाPursue and kill (a wild animal) for sport or food.
Hurryजल्दी करनाMove or act with haste; rush.
Hurtचोट पहुंचानाCause physical pain or injury to.
HusbandपतिA married man considered in relation to his spouse.
Hydrogenहाइड्रोजनA colorless, odorless, highly flammable gas, the chemical element of atomic number 1.
HabitualआदतनDone or doing constantly or as a habit.
HailओलाPellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds.
Hallucinationभ्रमAn experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
HaltरुकनाBring or come to an abrupt stop.
HardshipकठिनाईSevere suffering or privation.
Harmoniousमेलजोल वालाForming a pleasing or consistent whole.
HarnessलगामA set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draft animal is fastened to a cart, plow, etc., and is controlled by its driver.
HarshकठोरUnpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.
Harvestफसल काटनाThe process or period of gathering in crops.
Hasteजल्दबाज़ीExcessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
Hastyजल्दबाज़Done or acting with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.
Hatchअंडा देना(of an egg) open and produce a young animal.
HaughtyअभिमानीArrogantly superior and disdainful.
HazardखतराA danger or risk.
Healचंगा होना(of a person or treatment) cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again.
Healthfulस्वास्थ्यप्रदHaving or conducive to good health.
Hearingश्रवणThe faculty of perceiving sounds.
Heedध्यान देनाPay attention to; take notice of.
HeirवारिसA person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death.
Helicopterहेलीकॉप्टरA type of aircraft which derives both lift and propulsion from one or more sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors.
HelmetहेलमेटA hard or padded protective hat, various types of which are worn by soldiers, police officers, firefighters, motorcyclists, athletes, and others.
HemकिनाराThe edge of a piece of cloth or clothing which has been turned under and sewn.
Hemisphereगोलार्धA half of a sphere.
Herbजड़ी बूटीAny plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume.
Herbalहर्बलRelating to or made from herbs, especially those used in cooking and medicine.
HerdझुंडA large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live, feed, or migrate together or are kept together as livestock.
HeritageविरासतProperty that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.
HeroicवीरHaving the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave.
Hexagonषट्कोणA plane figure with six straight sides and angles.
Hibernateशीतनिद्रा में होना(of an animal or plant) spend the winter in a dormant state.
HideousभयंकरUgly or disgusting to look at.

English Word From I With Hindi Meaning

English WordHindi MeaningDescription
Iceबर्फFrozen water, a brittle, transparent crystalline solid.
IdeaविचारA thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
Idealआदर्शSatisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable.
IdentifyपहचाननाEstablish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.
IdentityपहचानThe fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
Ignoreअनदेखा करनाRefuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
IllबीमारNot in full health; sick.
IllegalगैरकानूनीContrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
IllnessबीमारीA disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.
ImageछविA representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
Imagineकल्पना करनाForm a mental image or concept of.
Immediateतात्कालिकOccurring or done at once; instant.
ImmenseविशालExtremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Impactप्रभावThe action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Importantमहत्वपूर्णOf great significance or value.
Impressप्रभावित करनाMake (someone) feel admiration and respect.
ImproveसुधारनाMake or become better.
IncidentघटनाAn event or occurrence.
Includeशामिल करनाComprise or contain as part of a whole.
IncomeआयMoney received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
Increaseबढ़ोतरीBecome or make greater in size, amount, or degree.
Indeedवास्तव मेंUsed to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested.
Independentस्वतंत्रFree from outside control; not subject to another’s authority.
Indicateसंकेत करनाPoint out; show.
Individualव्यक्तिA single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family.
Industryउद्योगEconomic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
Influenceप्रभावThe capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Informसूचित करनाGive (someone) facts or information; tell.
InformationजानकारीFacts provided or learned about something or someone.
Initialप्रारंभिकExisting or occurring at the beginning.
InitiativeपहलThe ability to assess and initiate things independently.
Injureघायल करनाDo physical harm or damage to (someone).
InjuryचोटAn instance of being injured.
Innocentनिर्दोषNot guilty of a crime or offense.
InsertडालनाPlace, fit, or thrust (something) into another thing.
InsideअंदरThe inner side or surface of something.
Insightअंतर्दृष्टिThe capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
Inspectनिरीक्षण करनाLook at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.
Inspireप्रेरित करनाFill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
Installस्थापित करनाPlace or fix (equipment or machinery) in position ready for use.
InstanceउदाहरणAn example or single occurrence of something.
Instantतात्कालिकHappening or coming immediately.
Insteadइसके बजायAs an alternative or substitute.
Instituteसंस्थानAn organization having a particular purpose, especially one that is involved with science, education, or a specific profession.
Instructनिर्देश देनाDirect or command someone to do something, especially as an official order.
InstrumentउपकरणA tool or implement, especially one for delicate or scientific work.
InsuranceबीमाA practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.
Intendइरादा करनाHave (a course of action) as one’s purpose or objective; plan.
Intenseतीव्रOf extreme force, degree, or strength.
Interestब्याजThe state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
InteriorआंतरिकSituated within or inside; relating to the inside; inner.
InternalआंतरिकOf or situated on the inside.
Internationalअंतर्राष्ट्रीयExisting, occurring, or carried on between nations.
InternetइंटरनेटA global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
Interpretव्याख्या करनाExplain the meaning of (information, words, or actions).
Interruptबाधित करनाStop the continuous progress of (an activity or process).
IntervalअंतरालA pause or break in activity.
Interviewसाक्षात्कारA meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
Introduceपरिचय करानाBring (something, especially a product, measure, or concept) into use or operation for the first time.
Inventआविष्कार करनाCreate or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.
Investनिवेश करनाExpend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.
Investigateजांच करनाCarry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth.
Invitationनिमंत्रणA written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.
Inviteआमंत्रित करनाMake a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something.
Involveशामिल करना(of a situation or event) include (something) as a necessary part or result.
IronलोहाA strong, hard magnetic silvery-gray metal.
Islandद्वीपA piece of land surrounded by water.
Issueमुद्दाAn important topic or problem for debate or discussion.
Itemवस्तुAn individual article or unit, especially one that is part of a list, collection, or set.
Ignoreअनदेखा करनाRefuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
IllegalगैरकानूनीContrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
IllबीमारNot in full health; sick.
IllnessबीमारीA disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.
Illuminateरोशन करनाLight up.
Illusionभ्रमA deceptive appearance or impression.
Illustrateचित्रित करनाProvide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures.
ImageछविA representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
Imagineकल्पना करनाForm a mental image or concept of.
Immediateतात्कालिकOccurring or done at once; instant.
ImmenseविशालExtremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Impactप्रभावThe action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Importantमहत्वपूर्णOf great significance or value.
Impressप्रभावित करनाMake (someone) feel admiration and respect.
ImproveसुधारनाMake or become better.
IncidentघटनाAn event or occurrence.
Includeशामिल करनाComprise or contain as part of a whole.
IncomeआयMoney received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
Increaseबढ़ोतरीBecome or make greater in size, amount, or degree.
Indeedवास्तव मेंUsed to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested.
Independentस्वतंत्रFree from outside control; not subject to another’s authority.
Indicateसंकेत करनाPoint out; show.
Individualव्यक्तिA single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family.
Industryउद्योगEconomic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
Influenceप्रभावThe capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Informसूचित करनाGive (someone) facts or information; tell.
InformationजानकारीFacts provided or learned about something or someone.
Initialप्रारंभिकExisting or occurring at the beginning.
InitiativeपहलThe ability to assess and initiate things independently.
Injureघायल करनाDo physical harm or damage to (someone).
InjuryचोटAn instance of being injured.

English Word From J With Hindi Meaning

English Word From K With Hindi Meaning

English Word From L With Hindi Meaning

English Word From M With Hindi Meaning

English Word From N With Hindi Meaning

English Word From O With Hindi Meaning

English Word From P With Hindi Meaning

English Word From Q With Hindi Meaning

English Word From R With Hindi Meaning

English Word From S With Hindi Meaning

English Word From T With Hindi Meaning

English Word From U With Hindi Meaning

English Word From V With Hindi Meaning

English Word From W With Hindi Meaning

English Word From X With Hindi Meaning

English Word From Y With Hindi Meaning

English Word From Z With Hindi Meaning