यहा हमने आपसे Guest Meaning in Hindi के साथ Guest का अनुवाद, Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms की जानकारी आपसे शेर की है|
Guest Meaning in Hindi
Guest Meaning in Hindi
Pronunciation: /ɡɛst/
Hindi Meaning: मेहमान (Mehmaan), अतिथि (Atithi)
Definition (Noun): A person who is invited to visit or stay in someone’s home, place of work, or other gathering. They are typically treated with hospitality and courtesy during their visit.
Synonyms: visitor, invitee, lodger
Antonyms: host, resident
Example 1: “We had several guests over for dinner last night. They enjoyed the meal and stayed late into the evening chatting with us.” (हमने कल रात के खाने के लिए कई मेहमानों को बुलाया था। उन्होंने भोजन का आनंद लिया और शाम के समय हमारे साथ बातचीत की।)
Example 2: “The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests at a time during peak seasons.” (होटल उन्चाइयों के समय में एक समय में 200 मेहमानों को आतिथ्य कर सकता है।)
Example 3: “As a guest in our country, it’s important to respect local customs and traditions.” (हमारे देश में आतिथ्य के रूप में, स्थानीय रीति-रिवाज और परंपराओं का सम्मान करना महत्वपूर्ण है।)